Find Your True Love ...

Find Your Match!

Your results will be more accurate if you know the other person's sign!


Welcome to the Love Test Calculator!

If you need some guidance before jumping into a relationship with someone, use our love match calculator to predict how the relationship will work out. This calculator works for seeing if the person you have a "crush" on would be a good match for love, or if a long-term relationship is possible with someone you have started dating.

The main use of the love test calculator is to find the compatibility between two people. We put an emphasis on accurate and useful results, unlike other love calculators which generate your compability rating randomly. We try to give you the best possible score based on existing knowledge of astrology and numerolgy.

Does this Really Work?

There are many factors that go into a relationship, not just the alignment of the stars! The love test calculator can predict how a relationship will work out based on astrology, so if you believe that the universe has a "purpose" for you, then these results are a good prediction for how a relationship will develop.

Of course, the names and dates of birth of the two people in a relationship are not the only factors in a relationship. If you've ever heard the term "opposites attract" then you know that the most unlikely marriage between two people can happen. Other factors like your past history, distance between two people, time spent together, how you met, and the history of your relationship all play an important role in determining if a love can go the distance.